I was moved to write a letter of thanks to Ms. Lawton for publishing this article. I hope that more newspapers across the Country will pick it up. Shunning is a devastating practice. I wish people could understand how much this high control JW religion effects people's lives. I only wish it didn't have to take such horrific tragedies as the Bryant family's to make them aware enough to publish something on the subject.
Date: 3/21/2002 2:23:07 PM Central Standard Time
From: Smoldering Wick
To: [email protected]
Dear Wendy:I sit here with tears streaming down my face. I am completely overcome by your words that I have just read on my monitor.
I truly hope your article "Shunning in spotlight" will touch & change many, many lives.
I am a 3rd generation Jehovah's Witness. I was baptized at age 9. For 33 years, I lived the life of a good JW...until one day when I doubted their beliefs. I am not disfellowshipped nor have I officially disassociated myself from the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society, but, I am shunned nonetheless. I am, according to the JWs, "Not an Approved Associate." The rumors that spread in my community as to why I stopped being a Jehovah's Witness ranged anywhere from me being Demon Possessed, Mentally Insane or just plain Wicked. (Capitals mine, as they are titles given me to wear by my former friends)
The reason I am not officially Disfellowshipped is that when I was asked by the Congregation Elders the dreaded "Apostate" question: "Do you feel that The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society otherwise known as Jehovah's Witnesses are God's chosen mouthpiece/channel to dispense spiritual food to the world?" This is a tricky question, if you answer "NO" to it, you are immediately Disfellowshipped & shunned. If you answer "YES" to it (and it's a lie) you are forced into hiding. You will never be free from their watchful eye. They will continue to "monitor" you through Shepherding Visits and expect your return. If you remain in your hometown but do not return to their fold, other witnesses will watch you and report to the elders if they ever see an infraction on your part (i.e. if you hang up Christmas lights, donate blood, talk to former JWs) and then you will be immediately Disfellowshipped.
Although, I was able to get away with not giving them a Yes or No answer...I have remained in hiding for the past Four years. When I am not in hiding, I am usually forgotten, or shunned. All of my life-long friends have since forgotten me, as if I never existed. If I occasionally see a former friend at the mall or grocery store...some will pretend they didn't see me, others will give me a half smile and walk on. If they do stop to talk to me, it is merely a necessary evil...to try and "encourage" me to return to the JWs. And to think we were always taught to not give in to peer pressure!
The story you wrote about Robert Bryant is indeed tragic, however I do not think it is isolated. I myself know of three suicides in my area by JWs who were being shunned at the time.
One story which took place in 1991 is about a well respected man I knew quite well, his wife and three children. This man, a JW apparently had an affair and was about to be Disfellowshipped by our JW congregation. The idea of his affair being made public to the congregation and being Disfellowshipped threw the man into a deep depression. His guilt was too much to take. He told his wife he was so sorry and wanted to die. He told the elders he was so sorry wanted to die. The elders made a few visits to 'check' on him...but, a few days later he sat on the floor of his Music Store and blew his brains out.
Another young man (17 years old) in our congregation who's mother had started studying with Jehovah's Witnesses and attending our Kingdom Hall could not conform to his mother's new religion. He tried. He gave up all his friends, smoking cigarettes & pot, alcohol only for a short time. He went back to his friends. His mother was very disappointed in him, so was the congregation. As I sat at his funeral, staring at the picture of a young man on top of a closed casket...I tried to force myself not to think of the damage the rifle had done to his head.
The very sad thing about all of this for me...is that as a JW...I too have shunned. My best friend and sister-in-law called to tell me that the elders had found out about her affair, and she was going to be Disfellowshipped that evening at the meeting. This was her last phone call to me, her final good-bye. I did not cry. I told her matter-of-factly that I imagined her on the other side of my phone...hanging off of a cliff by her fingernails. I told her...when I hang up this phone, in my mind you will have fallen. You are dead.
My sister-in-law and best friend was dead for seven years. Even after she "returned to the fold" I considered her dead. It wasn't until a few years of me not being an active JW that I "resurrected" her in my life.
I'm not sure if you will even read my letter, and I am not expecting an answer. Just please know...it is people like you who will stop these needless suicides and the cruel acts of shunning. The more the world sees the horrible reality of shunning...the closer we are to doing away with it.
For me, I want the world to know that I am not demon possessed, I am not insane, I am not wicked, I don't deserved to be shunned...I am only guilty of one thing...I no longer think like a Jehovah's Witness.
With Heartfelt Thanks!
Smoldering Wick
See what other former JWs have said about your article so far:
I understand your anger. Yes, I did agree that the article did not paint an accurate picture. In regards to the following:
There have been cases where people have been Disfellowshipped without the pattern of "serious un-Christian conduct," perhaps they weren't judged repentent enough by the elders. It was disturbing to me however, that Ms. Lawton mentioned "molestation" first in describing "serious un-Christian conduct"...when that has never been the Number One cause for Disfellowshipping. As far as drinking and lying goes...I will say that I knew many baptized members who displayed a pattern of "serious un-Christian conduct" of lying and drinking and were NEVER Disfellowshipped...perhaps it was because many of those were elders. I'd be curious to see the stats regarding Reasons for Disfellowshipping. My guess would be the two A's made the top 5...(Adultary & Apostasy)